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Configure a Tunnel

Follow these steps to configure a GuardLlama tunnel with custom filtering rules and settings to optimize your browsing experience.

Enable or Disable DNS Filtering

  1. Select a tunnel.
  2. Navigate to the "Filters" tab.
  3. Toggle DNS filtering on or off. Disabling DNS filtering turns off both firewall and ad-blocking features.


Choose a Blocking Mode

  1. Select a tunnel.
  2. Go to the "Filters" tab.
  3. Select either "Default" or "Strict" blocking mode.
    • "Default" mode strikes a balance between ad-blocking and user experience (UX).
    • "Strict" mode prioritizes privacy and safety, blocking more ads at the expense of UX.


Advanced configuretion

For more advanced DNS filtering configuration, you can go to the AdGuardHome dashboard.
